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disease resistant

Intrinsic Introductions

is a Midwestern breeder

of quality perennials

with a focus on

North American natives

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2025 Full Line

Our plants are bred and selected in the tough conditions of the Midwest with hot humid summers and cold wet winters.

Our goals are simple—improved, durable, ornamental garden plants for our own climate and the rest of the world!

Bred by Brent Horvath

Intrinsic Introductions was born from a business my father built after he immigrated from Hungary in 1956. He chose the name "Intrinsic" because he felt garden plants should have intrinsic value to the garden. Today, I breed the plants he would have grown for his perennial nursery.

2025 Genetics & Supply Catalog

Scirpus pendulus 'Stars and Stripes' PPAF comes across as a yellow-green carex, but it is one of the graceful plants of the wet prairie, well adapted for both seasons of flooding and drought. It thrives in full sun, and light shade is not a problem.

The catalog also covers the new introductions for 2025, a comprehensive list of input sources, along with photos and descriptions for the full line of perennials, grasses, and sedums.

Panicum 'Dust in the Wind'

Pycnanthemum 'Smokey Mountain Mint'

Vernonia 'Over My Head'

Sesleria 'Tiny Dancer'